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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I recently wrote a 32-page article on the last 79 years the Oscars have been giving away the major awards. It goes from 1927 to 2006. After spending an entire night waiting up for the Academy Award nominees to be announced, I was a little apprehensive about delving any deeper into the subject. I was not happy with the nominees. Then the thought suddenly occurred to me, the Oscars had a montage of all the movies that had won Best Picture since they began back in 1998. They might not do it again this year. The past decade hasn't been the greatest in film history, but it shouldn't be completely forgotten.

So, I researched everything. I looked into the Academy Awards and the history. I started copying the research and adapting it all into my own gigantic article. It was a pain-staking process but after a few days, I got it done.

The response I've gotten for this one article has been staggering. I've received several great commendations. Several other AC producers have highly recommended this article to readers on other sites. The reception has been flattering to say the least.

Thank you all.

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